Things to know:
9:15 AM Children's Services are available for Nursery - 5th Grade.
11:00 AM Children's Services are available for Nursery and PreK.
Summer Service (Memorial Weekend - Labor Day Weekend)
10:00 AM Children's Services are available for Nursery - 5th Grade.
1. People dress for comfort!
Not like "pajama comfortable", but most people at Crosswinds dress casually.
Jeans, sweatshirts, shorts and sandals are common to see.
Of course, if comfortable to you means a sports coat or a dress, that's fine too!
2. Our services typically run about 70 minutes.
Sometimes we finish a little sooner and once every so often we might run a little long. But we try not to!
3. Crosswinds has a low humor-threshold.
This means we laugh easily and frequently. It's okay, God made us funny.
4. The music includes drums, guitars and ranges in volume! Be ready for it...
We don't limit our music to one style because every style of music communicates differently. Generally speaking, our worship is bright and energetic with reflective songs interspersed.
5. We will greet you, but not smother you.
We will welcome you but not embarrass you. You will not be asked to stand up and introduce yourself to the room. You can remain fairly anonymous during your visit. However, we (especially our staff) would love to meet you!