Talk To Me – Why I don’t pray
Discussion Guide
March 25/26, 2017
Ice Breaker:
How were you taught to pray?
When is it most difficult for you to pray?
Digging in…
Doug shared reasons he find prayer challenging. They were:
I tell myself “I’m too busy”
I over-think it.
I run out of things to say.
God doesn’t hold up his end.
I don’t want to talk to God.
Describe what each one means.
Which one do you relate to most?
Is there another “reason” you would add to the list?
Which one do you relate to the least? – maybe you don’t even get it…
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
What are the verbs in these verses and to whom do they apply?
Do you think it was easier for Paul in his age to be thankful always, pray continually and to always be joyful? Why and why not?
Does being joy and grateful require being unrealistic about life and the challenges and evil within it?
If one were truly grateful and joyful how would it effect the content and tone of their prayers? Is that how most people pray? If not… how and when do most people pray?
Describe prayer as a HOTLINE to God, as a cellphone with God on speed dial.
Now describe how prayer would change for you if you could see your life as a road trip adventure with God?
What does Amen mean in your prayer life?
What is one thing you wish was true about your prayer life that isn’t yet?
What is one thing following this series you hope to do or change… or continue?
How would you like prayer in your group to grow? …is there something the group can do to make prayer better? …less intimidating? …more enjoyable? …more engaging? …more effective?
It is your group… How should we pray together?
Close by praying…
I suggest starting with two minutes of silence – followed by a time of gratitude
Now share individual prayer needs – but pray as a group for each one as they share instead of collecting them all.
Yah, I know, it is different – but maybe give it a try or not.
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